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Wynaught's emblem.

Wynaught is an embeddable strict subset, or ESS, of Python, specifically as it were in version 3.3. It is part of a family of ESSes to be implemented atop the colossal application medium, which in turn makes it part of a superfamily of simplified languages.

What changed

The inheritance-based object-oriented model has been removed in favour of property-based inheritance as seen in JavaScript. This means that the class keyword, constructors, and so on behave as they do in ES6. This was done as the property-based OO model was seen as superior to the inheritance-based one for the purposes of very high level languages as these will be used in the real world.

The yield and from keywords have also been removed as part of the removal of list comprehension syntax in favour of the map-filter approach.

All allowance of non-ASCII characters in source code has been removed, except in lines beginning with a double-hash ##. This is similar to C*'s "doc comment" setup.

Simplified Languages
NatPython .npy | C♭ .cfl | SundaScript .ss | TenGo .10g | Wynaught .wy | C~ .ctl | C* .cst
Embeddable strict subsets
C♭ .cfl | Luau .uau | Spinel .sp | SundaScript .ss | TenGo .10g | Wynaught .wy